While I'm not usually a big believer in making tons of promises that you know will never be kept... I have to say I'm very into the idea of making some serious resolutions this year...
take a chance kate spade necklace coco kelley
While most of them have to do with the usual (save more money, lose more weight, and so on) my biggest one is really more about finding a new direction.

In 2009, I took a big leap in taking coco+kelley from a blog to a business, starting with my first interior and event clients. For me, 2010 was about growing and learning and building both personally and professionally. And now, I'm ready for new things in 2011. So many possibilities suddenly lay before me that it can be slightly paralyzing to actually make decisions. Which makes resolution #1 the courage to move myself forward in the next big direction... what will it be? A new city? New job? New passions? New travels? I hope by taking one step, the next will follow and I'll find myself tumbling into new and exciting adventures once again!

And you, my loves?? What are your resolutions for the coming year?? Let's make some promises together!

*necklace by kate spade